Welcome to my site


I have had so much fun visiting other artist's websites and appreciated their sharing with me that I thought I might bring some of that same pleasure to other art enthusiasts. I have also made friends with some of the artists visited and exchanged thoughts and ideas with some via email. I will be delighted to answer any questions you might like to ask me about my art, or discuss any other topics of interest.


Like most artists, I have ventured into several forms of artistic expression as you will see in the following pages. I find most artistic fields fascinating and have met other artists in classes I took to improve my work. Most of my inspiration comes suddenly from a variety of sources and I will never develop a theme mechanically or without desire. I have copied famous artists' works to try and understand their methods and to improve my own skills. I find that I almost always finish with added respect for the work of others. As you will discover, my work is not channeled though I have tried to express a single theme with a variety of approaches experimentally


I think the single most important thing I have learned is that my work is driven by three objectives: appreciation of the works of others, experimentation to discover where the path leads, and third, also the most important in my estimation, to lend a visual voice to my life and personal feelings.


Please enjoy your visit and feel absolutely free to use you critical eye in all you see here. Any art copied from a known artist is immediately recognized and the rest is totally original. I view art as a passion and love sharing it with others.


If you would like to comment about your visit, you may email me at:


Please put "ART" in the subject line - spam defense!

